-------- Original message --------
From: "CoachBatista ." <coachbatista@gmail.com>
To: jpbatista99@yahoo.com
Subject: Pre-alg, week of 10/21 work...
These plans are subject to change…
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
EQ | 10/20 EQ: Are you ready for the quiz? | 10/21 EQ: How do you measure God's thoughts if they are proportional to His size? | 10/ 22 EQ: Luke 7. "Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii,[a] and the other fifty. 42 Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?" 43 Simon replied, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven." "You have judged correctly," Jesus said. What is the proportion of God's forgiveness? | 10/23 - What are the different ways we can solve proportion problems? | EQ 11/20 - Where and how did God use proportions? |
Wu | Warm up: Look at past HW. Any questions? | Warm up: Read example 1 on p243, then answer, "how many copies can the machine make in 10 minutes? 12 minutes?" | Warm up: check HW answers on the board. Grade your own paper. p248, read ex 1, do try it. | Warm up: check HW answers on the board. Grade your own paper. Warm up: p254, # 3 | Warm up: read example 2 on p257. How far is Wendover city from Delle city? |
An |
| Check homework | Check homework | Check homework - Creche Donations? | Check homework - Creche Donations? - Test next week over chapter 5. |
O |
| O: To use mental math and cross multiplication to solve proportions | O: Find unit rates and use them to solve proportion problems | Solve word problems with proportions. | O: Use scale to create scale drawings. Find where God used proportion*BI |
A | Quiz 5 A | A: p242-5 Read, discuss, define terms, examples, check understanding. Try It. - 5.4, p243, ex 1, 2 - What do you think? P244.
| A: p247-50 Read, discuss, define terms, examples, check understanding. Try It. - Ex 1- 3, try it. - p247, Read yellow box, answer 1-4. - | GPS 5.6
P254, 1-10., 4, 5, 6, 8, | A: p256-60 Read, discuss, define terms, examples, check understanding. Try It. - Lesson 5.7, ex 2, 4, 1, 3. Try it.
E | Quiz 5A | E: Students will use mental math and cross multiplication to solve proportions correctly | E: Students will find unit rates and use them to solve proportion problems | Participation | E: Students will use scale to create scale drawings |
HW | HW . watch + copy video5.4 | HW: p245, 1-21 all – | HW: p250, 1-6, + 12-16 Or Worksheet 5-5 | HW: worksheet 5.6 + videos 5.7 | HW: p260 2- 18 all. |
Ch |
Nt |
Video 5.4 A, Solving proportions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkHfeinyaug
Video 5.4 B, Video on solving proportions http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_content/wl-book-demo/ph-166s.html
Videos for lesson 5.7, using similar figures and finding distances on maps…. http://phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&wcprefix=ade&wcsuffix=0603
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